Bridges Across Our Communities/ Now We Raise Our Voices
Weekly Free Online Workshops Offered in Spanish and English
Welcoming Writers from all over Long Island and Beyond
Meeting Every Thursday Evening from 6:30 to 8:30pm via ZOOM

Writers from Long Island, South Carolina, New Jersey and Pennsylvania come together online for a daylong retreat.
There is urgency now, as never before, with the spread of the double pandemics of Racism and COVID-19, around the restoration of the core human values of empathy, compassion and inclusion - in our world, in our nation and in our communities. ​ Whether you are still sheltering in place, and suddenly inspired to write a story that had been growing inside you for years, or on the front line of response, experiencing the need to tell your story right away, we invite you to come to join our expanding online community workshops to shape the stories that most need to be told.
Herstory Writers Workshop and the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook invite you to join a 12-week campus/community workshop with the goal of generating stories that will advance the movement for equity, inclusion and justice at this time when every one of our voices is needed to protect our most basic human rights. Write with neighborhood elders, young Dreamers, organizational activists, legislators, and college students, so that together we can shape our words to change hearts, minds and policy, one story at a time.
Work with Herstory fellows to tell a particular story that needs to be told. Or use Herstory's unique approach to pursue a book-length project. Special techniques will be used to generate powerful short pieces, wherever the shifting political landscape leads us to use memoir to resist injustice, restore dignity and give voice to our common humanity. If you have questions, please email
Meeting Every Thursday Evening from 6:30 to 8:30pm via ZOOM
Puentes entre nuestras comunidades / Ahora levantamos nuestras voces
Talleres en línea gratuitos semanales ofrecidos en español e inglés
Damos la bienvenida a escritores de todo Long Island y más allá
Existe una urgencia ahora, como nunca antes, con la propagación de la doble pandemia de racismo y COVID-19, en torno a la restauración de los valores humanos fundamentales de empatía, compasión e inclusión, en nuestro mundo, en nuestra nación y en nuestras comunidades. Ya sea que aún se esté refugiando en su lugar y de repente se sienta inspirado a escribir una historia que ha estado creciendo dentro de usted durante años, o en la primera línea de respuesta, experimentando la necesidad de contar su historia de inmediato, lo invitamos a unirse a nuestros talleres comunitarios en línea en expansión para dar forma a las historias que más necesitan ser contadas.
El Taller de Escritores de Herstory, Long Island Head Start y el Ministerio de Migrantes Rurales / los invitan a unirse a un taller comunitario de 12 semanas con el objetivo de generar historias que hagan avanzar el movimiento por la igualdad, la inclusión y la justicia en este momento en el que cada una de nuestras voces es necesaria para proteger nuestros derechos humanos más básicos. Escriba con personas mayores del vecindario, jóvenes soñadores, activistas organizacionales, legisladores y estudiantes universitarios, para que juntos podamos moldear nuestras palabras para cambiar corazones, mentes y políticas, una historia a la vez.
Trabaje con los compañeros de Herstory para contar una historia en particular, la cual necesite ser contada, o utilice el enfoque único de Herstory para realizar un proyecto de tamaño de libro. Se utilizarán técnicas especiales para generar piezas breves y poderosas, donde sea que el panorama político cambiante nos lleve a usar las memorias para resistir la injusticia, restaurar la dignidad y dar voz a nuestra humanidad común. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a
Reunión todos los jueves por la noche de 6:30 a 8:30 a través de ZOOM

In 2019, the Criminology Program at Hofstra University created an experimental module where people returning from decades in prison spent nine weeks writing side by with criminology students. It has now become a permanent part of Hofstra's curriculum for those in training to work with the incarcerated and for criminal justice reform. "I have never had a class that helped me change how I see the world," one student wrote upon the graduation of the second cohort.
As a new semester begins, we invite people who have experienced incarceration, alternatives to incarceration, gun violence and domestic violence to join our third cohort of writers for criminal justice reform. The world needs your stories, as does the criminal justice field. Taught by Victoria Roberts. Meeting Wednesdays at Hofstra University from
6:30- 8:30 pm starting February 26th. To find out more about the program, please contact