Herstory in Arkansas -
Stories of Advocates and Organizers

Can our stories create new commonalities and echoes beyond Long Island's Shores?
As 2018 draws to close, we look back on the highlights of our work in other places, in Nicaragua and in Arkansas, which paved new ways of working directly with foundations to give voice to their missions and dreams.
We invite you to watch this video from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and to read five of the over 30 stories that grew out of our Arkansas project, as you daydream with us ways in which the Herstory project can continue to use stories to change hearts, minds and policies while highlighting each new writer's strength, beauty and spirit.
The experience of working with the Arkansas writers-- first in workshops down in Little Rock with facilitators Helen Dorado Alessii, Barbara Levin and Dathonie Pinto, then in follow-up phone time with founder Erika Duncan-- is one we will never forget... To read the stories click here.
For more than 40 years, the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation has worked to make a difference by helping to build and sustain the organizations that serve and strengthen Arkansas.